Once you meet a Sheepadoodle, all other breeds will pale in comparison! A Sheepadoodle is a cross between an Old English Sheepdog and a Poodle.

Old english sheepdogs

Old English Sheepdogs are often portrayed as “nanny dogs'“ in books and movies because they love their families and will take care of and follow them around all day! Historically they were working dogs bred to herd and drove livestock, and the characteristics of reliability, friendliness and eagerness to please run deep in their genes. Our favorite OES characteristic, however, is their joyful, goofy, puppy-like temperament. Even as adults they love to be in the middle of the action, romping and playing. In spite of this, they are actually lower energy for big dogs, and do well lying around even in small apartments. They are generally low barking and not particularly protective, which is great for environments with lots of activity and visitors. Their long, wavy, double-layered coats shed little if they are properly brushed. Famous Old English Sheepdogs include Max from The Little Mermaid, Paul McCartney’s Martha who inspired the song “Martha, My Dear”, Ambrosius in The Labyrinth, and many others!


Poodles were also originally bred for work. Many think of them as fancy and frilly, but in fact they are quite athletic and strong. They are wickedly smart, excellent swimmers, easy to train, and very loyal to their families. They come in three sizes: toy, miniature, and standard. They have a single-layer coat that sheds minimally, and like the OES, they need regular brushing and maintaining if kept long. If you have ever met a well bred poodle, you know of the nobility it exudes. They are proud, elegant, and absolutely beautiful animals. They tend to be a little more reserved with strangers, which is why the OES is a perfect match to warm up the temperament. But with their families, they are active, playful, and loving, enjoying the company of children and adventuring with the family. They are adaptable and do well in any size living situation, and thrive best with lots of family time.


Sheepadoodles are active, friendly and intelligent, which is why they are favorites for families with children. Their eager-to-please personality makes them easier to train and suitable for beginner dog owners. Sheepadoodles have an average lifespan of 12 to 15 years.

Non-Shedding vs hypoallergenic: Hypoallergenic means that a dog either does not shed their hair, sheds very little, or has the same pH as human hair. Sheepadoodles are considered “non-shedding” dogs because they lose about as much hair as you or I do in an average day — in other words, hardly any. Because they don't shed, the allergy-causing dander that sticks to their fur doesn't get released into the air or onto the floor as much as with a shedding dog. Your furniture and clothing won’t be covered in hair every time you pet your dog.


F1 Sheepadoodle

  • Old English Sheepdog + Poodle

  • 50% Poodle and 50% Old English Sheepdog

  • They have wavy coats and are generally black and white, but may fade to gray.

F1b Sheepadoodle

  • F1 Sheepadoodle + Poodle

  • 75% Poodle + 25% Old English Sheepdog

  • They have curlier coats and can come in a variety of colors.


Standard: 50-65 lbs for girls, 70-85 lbs for boys

Mini: 30-45 lbs

Petite Mini: 20-35 lbs

Since they are a mixed breed, we cannot guarantee sizing. Occasionally we have had a pup grow to be bigger or smaller than what we predict. Boys tend to be on the larger end of the scale, and girls on the smaller end.